HACK PASSWORD OF COMPUTER WINDOWS? - Administrator or any other user

hack password of compter windows


Hey guys,You don't know the old password of you computer administrator account BUT Want to change the password of your administrator account.Here is a simple trick to change computer windows password without knowing the old password just by command prompt.

So before further knowledge you should know some things

1. What is Command Prompt?

Obviously You are using computer, 
So there is a coding software which does not use any graphical interface known as command prompt. It is in every window of computer by default.
Command prompt is used only by advanced users as they can read and execute commands easily. Command prompt can also be known as the first level of learning about ethical hacking.

2. How to open command prompt?

There are two ways to open command prompt to change the password of administrator account.

run cmmand prompt by run, run cmd, hack password of compter windows

a.) Open run

      Then type cmd.exe
      Press Enter key
it will open the command prompt instantly

b.) Open start menu

      Look for a Accessories
      In it you will find command prompt
Okay so, here comes the tricky part

There is a command in command prompt - "net user

Steps to change the password of administrator on computer

1. Open command prompt.

2. Type "net user" - u will find the names of accounts in your computer like the image below.

hack password of compter windows, change password of compter windows by command prompt

3. Type "net user administrator*".

4. Type the new password.
hack password of compter windows, change password of compter windows by command prompt


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